Female rhino standing with her calf in the tall grass.

6 Nights | South Africa

Discover Northern Kruger

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Experience the science of safari: Kruger National Park

Embark on an extraordinary journey where luxury meets scientific exploration amidst the untamed wilderness of Kruger National Park.

Uncovering Nature's Wonders

Prepare for an immersive safari experience like no other, as you delve into the scientific marvels of Kruger's diverse ecosystems. Led by expert guides and wildlife biologists, witness the intricate dynamics of Africa's iconic wildlife while contributing to cutting-edge research.

Your luxury expedition awaits

Indulge in unparalleled comfort and sophistication as you traverse the vast landscapes of Kruger. From elegant lodges to opulent campsites, every moment of your journey is infused with luxury, ensuring an unforgettable safari experience.

View the Itinerary


Duration 6 Nights
Country South Africa
Cost On Request
  • Explore the untamed wilderness of Kruger National Park and the Makuleke Contract Park on foot and by open safari vehicle, encountering diverse wildlife in their natural habitats.
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner, drinks and activities included
  • Stay at exclusive camps and lodges nestled within the heart of the African wilderness, offering unparalleled comfort and breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.
  • Led by knowledgeable guides and wildlife experts, each safari expedition provides in-depth insights into the ecosystems, flora, and fauna of Northern Kruger.
  • Discover the rich cultural heritage of the region with visits to archaeological sites and interactions with local communities, gaining a deeper understanding of the land and its people.
  • Enjoy a variety of safari activities including game drives, walking safaris, river cruises, and birdwatching, ensuring an immersive and unforgettable wilderness experience.
  • Marvel at the spectacular landscapes of Northern Kruger, from majestic rolling hills and dramatic rocky outcrops to tranquil riverbanks and ancient forests of winterthorn trees.
  • Encounter Africa's iconic Big Five, along with a myriad of other wildlife species, including elephants, buffalo, lions, leopards, and rhinos, in their natural habitats.
  • Indulge in delicious bush cuisine under the stars, with gourmet meals prepared by skilled chefs using locally sourced ingredients, complemented by fine wines and traditional South African hospitality.
  • Customize your expedition itinerary to suit your interests and preferences, whether it's focusing on photography, birdwatching, or simply enjoying leisurely game drives and nature walks.

"Other predators may be bigger and fiercer, but I would argue that there is nothing so enthusiastic as a wild dog. They live the life domestic dogs wish they could live."


Research Focused Expeditions

Biodiversity Monitoring

Conduct comprehensive biodiversity monitoring to assess the health and resilience of Kruger National Park's ecosystems. Utilize field surveys, remote sensing, and ecological modelling to track changes in species composition, abundance, and habitat quality over time.

Ecosystem Services

Investigate the provision of ecosystem services by Kruger's diverse landscapes, including carbon sequestration, water regulation, and pollination. Quantify the value of these services and assess how they contribute to local livelihoods and global sustainability.

Climate Change Adaptation

Explore strategies for climate change adaptation in Kruger National Park, focusing on how wildlife populations and ecosystems respond to shifting environmental conditions. Collaborate with climate scientists and conservation practitioners to develop adaptive management strategies that enhance resilience and promote ecosystem health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Going on safari can be a daunting task if you have no idea what to expect when you arrive in a new destination, far from home.

These travel tips will give you a good grounding in African travel and help to pave the way to a successful and enjoyable expedition.

Here in Southern Africa, the seasons are opposite to the northern hemisphere. Spring runs from September to November, summer from December to February, autumn from March to May and winter from June to August.

Autumn and winter are the driest months, with the annual rains usually arriving around October and November. This is when the heat builds up. Once the rains arrive, it gets hot and humid, with spectacular storms that have to be seen to be believed!

In late autumn and winter, the early mornings and evenings are cold. It may seem odd that Africa can be chilly, but be warned – you will need a beanie hat, scarf, gloves and warm wind-proof jacket as well as long trousers and closed boots on morning and evening game drives as these are done in an open safari vehicle and the wind-chill as you are moving can feel icy!

During the day it is usually sunny and warm (warm enough for shorts and T-shirts in most cases) but as soon as the sun begins to set it starts to get cold so you will need to adopt a layered approach to clothing, adding and subtracting as required.

In spring and summer, the temperatures rise considerably, peaking at the high 30s and low 40s during the day at the height of summer (in degrees Celsius). Expect warmer evenings and summer storms from late October to March each year.

In South Africa, the currency is South African Rand (ZAR) and in Botswana it's Pula. There are ATMs across South Africa and all major credit and debit cards are accepted (please ensure your card is activated for international use if you are visiting from overseas).

All major banks offer foreign exchange services and there are bureaux de changes in major urban centres. Don't carry large amounts of cash on you, but rather withdraw as needed. All of our lodges and camps have card payment services available.

Keep your debit and credit cards separate from your cash.

When out and about in restaurants and cafés the custom is to tip between 10% and 20% of the bill, but please don't pay for bad service.

In our lodges and camps it is customary to tip your guide, tracker and the general lodge staff (housekeepers, kitchen workers, etc). Why? Because it recognises the effort put in by staff to ensure you have a wonderful and enjoyable safari and rewards the long hours they work and the time they have to spend away from their families, working in remote wilderness areas.

Most of our staff come from our local communities and support up to 10 family members with their earnings, so anything extra that you can contribute is very welcome. Talk to us or the camp/lodge managers about how much to tip.

Cellphone coverage across South Africa and Botswana is generally good, however wifi is not as widespread as in Europe or the US and data roaming is very expensive. In the more remote areas of the Greater Kruger National Park and the Botswana wilderness there is no cellphone reception at all.

Most of our camps and lodges have wifi but it's largely concentrated around communal areas rather than in each room. Please chat to us or to your camp/lodge manager about the best way to stay connected while on safari.

The Greater Kruger National Park region of South Africa is in a malaria zone so we do recommend you take anti-malarial medication and that you use a mosquito repellant in the late afternoon and evenings to help prevent bites. Long sleeves and trousers help to prevent bites as well, but in the summer months may be uncomfortable because of the warmer temperatures.

Mosquito activity is at its peak during the rainy season and is not usually such an issue in the autumn and winter months. It is a good idea to pack some antihistamine tablets and ointment to help with any bites that may occur.

There will be insect repellant and insect spray in your accommodation but it's always a good idea to bring your own as well.

Another health factor to be aware of is the power of the African sun. Please be careful when sunbathing or just moving around outside during the day as burning is a real issue, so sunscreen is an absolute must, as is a hat. Sunglasses are also a great addition and, as it is sunny for the majority of the year, absolutely necessary!

Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated, even on overcast days.

In the event of a medical emergency, there are excellent medical services available in both South Africa and Botswana, but please make sure your travel insurance includes medical evacuation as often hospitals can be some distance away and may require airlift.

In terms of your personal safety, sadly crime is always a concern no matter where you travel, but there are some hard and fast rules that can help to keep the risk to a minimum. Chief of these is to not advertise what you have in terms of cash and valuables, keeping small amounts of money in your wallet and reducing the amount of jewellery you wear. After all, you are on safari in the African wilderness so it's not necessary to "dress up"!

Don't leave valuables on display in your room – either lock them in your luggage or in the room safe if you have one. Otherwise, ask management to look after them until you leave.

Safety of a different sort is paramount when it comes to behaving wisely around wildlife. Remember that you are going to be in the African bush, surrounded by all sorts of animals, some of which can be dangerous. Please treat all creatures you come across with due respect. During the day, unless you are on an organised activity or out exploring under your own steam, please stay within the confines of the camp or lodge and do not approach wild animals you may come across, no matter how benign they may appear to be.

We're on hand to help you navigate life in wild Africa, so feel free to ask us any questions you may have and assist if you have any queries.

Please let us know well in advance if you have any dietary requirements or if there are foods you do not or cannot eat. Due to the remote nature of the majority of our camps and lodges, we have to have as much planning time as possible to ensure you get to enjoy amazing meals that meet your dietary needs. We most certainly do not want you to go hungry!

You will need a passport that's valid for at least 30 days after your planned return home with at least two clear-facing pages.

Please check with South Africa's Department of Home Affairs to see whether you will require a visa for entry into the country. For entry into Botswana, check the Botswana Tourism website for visa requirements.

*Please note that while we are happy to help answer your questions where we can, Beyond Wild will not be held responsible for any incomplete or incorrect information regarding passport and visa requirements and that the onus for ensuring all travel documentation is in order rests with the traveller.

The Northern Kruger Awaits You

Are you ready to experience the wonders of the Northern Kruger? Whether you want to witness the majestic wildlife, explore the diverse cultures, or enjoy the stunning landscapes, we have a tour for you. Don't miss this opportunity to book your adventure and discover the beauty and excitement of the Northern Kruger.

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Embark on an unforgettable journey of scientific discovery with a Beyond Wild expedition.

Whether you're an aspiring biologist, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about African wildlife, our expedition offers a unique opportunity to explore, learn, and make a difference in the world of wildlife conservation. Book your spot today and be a part of something extraordinary!

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