A herd of elephants walking in a line away from the camera

Exclusive African Safaris


Making a difference,
Matching authentic conservation experiences with meaningful travellers

One of the founding pillars of Beyond Wild is the desire to make a difference to the future of Africa and its wilderness areas through positive, impactful safari experiences.

We realise that we are not alone in this and that a whole generation of travellers and safari enthusiasts has come up alongside us wanting to have authentic conservation experiences as part of their African safari.

They're known as "meaningful travellers" - guests who want to learn about the challenges facing conservation in Africa, meet the experts who are leading the way forward and find out how they can help, in whatever way possible, while at the same time being exposed to the magic of the wilderness and its wildlife species.

To meet this need we have created conservation-focussed safaris that offer our guests exposure to the remarkable people working at the forefront of African conservation through customised lectures and learning experiences as part of their daily safari itinerary. Led by exceptional specialist guides, our conservation safaris provide an in-depth look at focussed research being conducted into a variety of iconic species ranging from elephants and rhino to big cats and other carnivores.

A hands-off approach

Our conservation-based experiences offer hands-on participation in valuable conservation work like the removal of snares, bush clearing and wrapping trees to protect them from elephants but are completely hands-off where animals are concerned.

We have made a concerted effort to move away from potentially feeding a demand for conservation “events” like rhino dehorning and elephant collaring where no real need may actually exist. Instead, we focus on bespoke, highly specialised group packages with a particular area of focus, be it leopard range and distribution, elephant behaviour, pangolin rescue and rehabilitation or painted wolf (African wild dog) pack dynamics.

We believe that the future of conservation in Africa is based on our guests and thousands more like them having positive learning experiences that change the way they view what it is to be wild and how best to protect wild things and wild places, and hopefully contributing directly to the good work being done in the areas in which we operate.

Leading Researchers & Scientists

We have access to some of the leading researchers and scientists working in these focus areas and invite them to give customised lectures and presentations offering insight into their work and what the future holds for the species involved.

Specialist Guides

Our specialist guides take you and your group out in the field to observe these species first-hand, helping you to interpret behaviour and understand the actual challenges facing them and what is being done to protect and conserve them for future generations.

Protection of Wilderness Areas

You have the option of active engagement in protecting wilderness areas through helping to remove alien invader species of flora, observing and assisting with the capture and sedation of species for the purpose of removing snares or repairing wounds caused by them, learning from the conservation workers on frontline about the challenges facing our wild fauna and flora.

"People must feel that the natural world is important and valuable and beautiful and wonderful and an amazement and a pleasure."

Southern Africa awaits you

Are you ready to experience the wonders of Southern Africa? Whether you want to witness the majestic wildlife, explore the diverse cultures, or enjoy the stunning landscapes, we have a tour for you. Don't miss this opportunity to book your adventure and discover the beauty and excitement of Southern Africa.

Start Your Adventure

Are you ready to experience the wonders of Southern Africa? Whether you want to witness the majestic wildlife, explore the diverse cultures, or enjoy the stunning landscapes, we have a tour for you. Don't miss this opportunity to book your adventure and discover the beauty and excitement of Southern Africa.

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